Daily Devotion
Don't forget
It is Friday and a sad day for L.A.
10 a confirmed dead and 10,000 structures destroyed, 50 billion in damage, what a tragedy. Pray for all involved, this is terrible.
Our devotion today is called, ” Don’t forget ” Psalm 106:21 says, “They forgot God their Savior, Who had done great things in Egypt. In the midst of all these tragedies lately we must not forget that it is the Devil who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10. Too often people blame God for the bad that happens in this world. They will say things like, I think God is judging them because they are evil. That is not true because judgement will come after the death for the unbeliever, Revelation 20:13. In the midst of all the tragedy lately there have been good people affected also. We are living in a fallen world and the closer we get to the end, the more Satan is going to raise his ugly head. We have seen it over the past 4 years especially. Israel in Psalm 105 was delivered from Pharaoh even though they were rebellious which tells me that God is merciful to people on this planet. And I just want to say that I don’t believe it is God punishing people through all these tragedies, it is the Devil pouring out his anger or it could be just part of this fallen world but don’t forget that God is merciful, full of love and compassion and ready to forgive. Galatians 5:22-23. Pray, pray, pray for rain in California and for all those we’ve mentioned.
Have a blessed weekend and don’t forget that Jesus loves you!
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