Daily Devotion

Hating good and clinging to evil?

Good day to all.

A brand new week in a brand new year and I believe in Jesus!

Our devotion today is called, ” Hating good and clinging to evil ? ” Psalm 106:24-25 says, ” Then they despised the pleasant land; They did not believe His word. But complained in their tents, And did not heed the voice of the LORD. I was listening to a story about Kurt Cobain and how much he despised Jesus. His mom was a Christian and there were times Kurt would interrupt her prayer with blasphemies. He died like he lived. Is our country going to do the same? I hope not. In order for a people to be truly blessed they must turn from their wicked ways and serve the Lord. The children of Israel didn’t seem to get the message and to this day still don’t. In this Psalm it’s speaking of God delivering Israel over and over and Israel returning to serve false god’s. We see it throughout the Bible. As I look at our country I can look back to the revival that saved many in the 60’s. If it wasn’t for that I’m not sure what would have happened. But now I see our country once again going through so many tragedies and no revival yet. It has been a very hard 4 or 5 years for America. Let’s pray for a revival like never before. Romans 12:21, Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Have a blessed day, continue to pray for Pastor Tom and Patty, Dennis and Martha, pray for Martha’s feet to heal. Pray for Roger and Amy and for Donna’s niece Kelianne. Always remember that Jesus loves you!

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