Daily Devotion
His right hand
Good day to everyone.
We only have 8 days left in January 2025, my how time flies by so fast. I want to thank everyone who came on our live feed at Free Indeed last.
Our devotion today is called,” His right hand ” Psalm 110:1 says, THE LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool. This is an amazing verse of God the Father speaking to God the Son. We see the fulfillment in Acts 7:55 as Stephen, the first martyr of the New Testament, is being killed. It says, But he, being filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. What a verse all those years ago speaking of Jesus in the future. Only God Himself could have put those words in David’s mouth. The right hand speaks of power. Jesus said in Matthew 28:18, All authority has been given unto Me in heaven and on earth. For David to get a glimpse of this all those years ago is truly amazing. Jesus is the ruler of heaven and earth and He is coming back to get His church soon. Are you ready? And that is when He will make His enemies His footstool. In other words He will put them under His feet. Thank you Jesus for who You are and what You have done. Please continue to pray for all we have mentioned.
Have a blessed day and always remember that Jesus loves you!
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