Daily Devotion

Our God always sends help

Good Monday morning from Temple Texas where it is 25 degrees, Muy frio!

Our devotion today is called, ” Our God always sends help ” Psalm 105:16-17 says, Moreover He called for a famine in the land; He destroyed all the provision of bread. He sent a man before them-Joseph-who was sold as a slave. This is speaking of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. In order for the people to be provided for during a famine in the land, God chose Joseph to be the one to provide food for the people during the famine. You can read about it in Genesis 37. God sent a man, Joseph to give wisdom to the Pharaoh after Joseph had the dream of the 7 years of famine. Our God sent help way back then to get the people through the famine and He will send help for us today. Joseph had to go through a very hard time to be used by God in such a mighty way. He was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and put in prison for 13 years. Genesis 39. Through it all Joseph kept serving God and was raised up to second in command. The moral of the story is God uses people and He might use you. Don’t expect an easy road when it happens. It’s God’s business how He takes us from point A to point B and it will probably not be easy. What are we willing to go through for our fellow man? God only knows but let’s pray if that time ever comes that we will rise to the occasion. Whether it’s to help a person or a group of people, let us be like Isaiah when he said, here I am, send me, Isaiah 6:8. Have a blessed day, pray for pastor Tom, his surgery is scheduled for the 31st of this month.

Pray for Dennis and Martha, Roger and Amy and Donna’s niece for complete healing. And remember that Jesus loves you!

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