Daily Devotion
The sound of silence
Good day to everyone.
Tonight I will be going live at 6 pm California time and I promise to be on time. The sound of silence is not good when it comes to God.
Our devotion today is called, ” The sound of silence ” Psalm 109:1 says, DO not keep silent, O God of my praise! In some of my hardest times, God has been silent and it makes things so much harder for a believer in Christ not to have God through His Holy Spirit speak to your heart. But in my hardest time when my brother pastor Mike went home to be with Jesus, God spoke to my heart Romans 8:28. Which says, all things work together for the good. I couldn’t accept that at the time and still have trouble with it but after a few months went by I was listens to a message by pastor Chuck Smith and God gave Him the same verse when his dad and brother passed. Later after that I was listening to pastor Skip from New Mexico and he had a twin brother killed in a motorcycle accident and God gave him the same verse. Whether God speaks to our heart or not He is still going through the trial with us, Hebrews 13:5. And I can assure you that if you pick up His word and start reading, God will speak to you. Psalm 109 is a negative psalm with David praying against his enemies and it could be that David’s heart wasn’t right at the time and that is why God was silent. No matter what, the sound of silence when it comes to God is there for a reason and we need to sit at His feet to find out why. Love you all from Texas and please continue to pray for all we’ve mentioned.
Have a blessed day and always remember that Jesus loves you!
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